What is Money? Learn | Safefellow.com

What is Money? Definition, Value, and Use

How do we define money? What is money’s actual value, and how can we use it?

Money can be any acceptable payment method for procuring products and services.

Money is a valuable substance that circulates and flows around the financial cycle regarding day-to-day transactions.

Money is a form of exchange whose source/ etymology could be traced back to the oldest transaction method, trade-by-barter.

Trade-by-Barter. i.e., a transaction in which the exchange of things and commodities for others before the implementation of printed notes and coins–fiat money, as in the numerous currencies still in use today.

Whether implied or clearly expressed, anything with a value or quality attached to it will attract money for its value, and quality is a determining factor in fixing its price.

From the affixed price, the value and quality of the product are deduced and analyzed accordingly.


Money is whatever it is said to be used for, i.e., it can be used for personal needs, business projects, and every other wherewithal.

In Digital marketing, money is used in two ways to add more connections to oneself and one’s business in the following areas, namely;

P.D.V. (Personal Development Value)

This suggests that the branding and packaging you give yourself as a person would serve as the frontline for creating networks around you.

The more connections you make by bringing more people into your network, the more you grow and prosper in your personal and professional lives.

G.D.V (Group Development Value)

As it implies, it is the situation whereby a collection of individuals come together to build an empire of networks underneath themselves as a group, each getting persons under their business through concerted efforts.

As the connection grows, they continue gaining substantial financial rewards and incentives as a group and as individuals.

So, for personal development and advancement, money is an essential factor. It is often generated through employment, undertaking a business entity by learning a skill or developing products, or any business termed ‘LEGAL.’

Money in terms of capital investment also spurns the progress of a business when it is appropriately disposed to the specific area where it is meant to function effectively and the human resources efficiently.

Money can be circulatory or floating, just as economists believe that the funds or cash expended daily float so long as it remains unstable.

The more you earn, the more you spend, which makes it a quid pro quo, i.e., you get money from a job or business and spend it on personal needs. The second one is fixed money.

The ones that are long-term securities and debentures, as we have them in the financial market.

A scenario in which a person or businessman invests by acquiring a percentage of shares and receives a dividend set for a specific period, typically between a year and three years, or the purchase of securities, including bitcoins and other online deposits, to sell them at a higher price when their market value is rising.

                  The value for money is of two different categories

  1. The Durable Value of Money: This is mainly concerned with the longevity of money when it is well utilized through a couple of worthwhile long-term and short-term investments.
  2. The Non-Durable Value of Money: This is directly related to the idea that money not spent well is a complete waste because it would produce nothing. The adage goes, “Investing in 1% of something is more beneficial than in 100% of nothing.” So, money becomes non-durable when spending is not pre-planned and used wisely. By so doing, the more it comes in, the more it vanishes without any lasting utility and a long-life span.

Many people are bent on obtaining money (wealth) without knowing the sacrifices it entails, the mindset it takes, and the set values attached to it.

If you think of procuring wealth without a set goal, you will undoubtedly end up in a colossal debt & mess and will be filled with many regrets.

You don’t make money as it is because it has existed long before human existence and is as natural as nature.

Instead, let money make you who you are; this can be possible when you have added a lot of positive values to yourself and your business.

Once you put all these in place, you don’t need to chase after wealth because you won’t get to it, but wealth itself would chase after you because you have all the necessary resources it requires.

Money is a mixture of bitter kola and dates (a mixture of bitter and sweet fruit), and when it is well-managed, it transforms into honey.

According to a proverb of mine, “Money is bitter when it strays and becomes better when it stays.”


  • Ideas: Before having money (wealth), you must find a way to amass it through savings, loans, or contributions/investments from third parties. This must be done after establishing goals for the firm you intend to start. This falls under the category of how to make your resources.
  • Plans: Your business must have a prospect, goal, and vision, so you should make general and specific procedures on how to spend wisely the resources gathered for the execution of your business projects/investments.
  • Dreams: Your dreams as a businessperson or someone who achieves or is interested in sharing success and self-realization goals result from how intelligently you make and use the resources to get the desired effect or results.


These three ‘technical know-how’ would guide you into becoming that wealthy and successful individual you wish and want to be.

In conclusion, the first “HOW” deals with “How to Make the Resources Needed for Your Business.”

The second “HOW” deals with “How to Spend the Resources Made.”

And the last “HOW” deals with “How the Resources are Made and Spent to Generate the Desired Results.”

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